Lovesick - Nurturing a Death Wish
You’re in bed at 3am, awake. Your head is swimming. The pills stopped working weeks ago. All you can taste is vomit and gun powder. You’re paralyzed with humiliation. You reach out into the darkness for anything. You find it, grip it tight. The voice you hear in your head telling you to pull it, that’s Lovesick. Nurturing a Death Wish brings an unprecedented intensity to music about hating yourself. Shredding harsh tone cascades through blended electronic nightmares. Coughed and rasping vocals sit front and center to deliver you pound after pound of blistering self-loathing. There is a cohesive maturity to the composition and delivery of each song that is hard to find even in veterans of the genre. The artist has requested that no streaming be available. This is not meant to be heard in passing, but played obsessively, alone. Unwanted, unseen, unworthy, unsalvageable, unable. Deep throat that Barretta, it’s the only thing that will ever love you.
Hand-numbered edition of 50